What Hairdressing Tools Can You Put in an Autoclave?

What Hairdressing Tools Can You Put in an Autoclave?

2024-07-22 09:39:01

When it comes to maintaining hygiene and safety standards in a hair salon, understanding what hairdressing tools can you put in an autoclave is crucial. An autoclave is a device that uses steam under pressure to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores on tools and equipment. It's an essential piece of equipment in any salon that values the health of its clients and staff. In this blog post, we will explore the types of hairdressing tools suitable for autoclaving, the benefits of using an autoclave, and some best practices for tool sterilization.

Understanding Autoclaves

What is an Autoclave?

An autoclave is a machine that sterilizes equipment and supplies by subjecting them to high-pressure saturated steam at 121°C (250°F) for around 15-20 minutes depending on the size of the load and contents. It's widely used in medical and dental practices, tattoo studios, and hair salons.

How Does an Autoclave Work?

Autoclaves work by heating water to create steam. The steam is then pressurized and used to sterilize the contents inside the autoclave chamber. This process is effective because the combination of heat and pressure penetrates materials, killing all forms of microbial life.

Why Sterilization is Important in Hairdressing

Preventing Infections

Using sterilized tools helps prevent the spread of infections and diseases. This is especially important in hairdressing where tools come into close contact with clients' skin and hair.

Enhancing Salon Reputation

A salon that practices good hygiene by regularly sterilizing tools is more likely to build a positive reputation. Clients appreciate knowing that their health and safety are prioritized.

What Hairdressing Tools Can You Put in an Autoclave?

Metal Combs and Brushes

Metal combs and brushes are ideal candidates for autoclaving. These tools are durable and can withstand the high temperatures and pressure of the sterilization process.

Scissors and Shears

Scissors and shears are crucial hairdressing tools that must be kept sterile. These tools can be safely sterilized in an autoclave, ensuring they are free from harmful pathogens.

Clippers and Blades

Clipper blades are another type of hairdressing tool that can be put in an autoclave. It's important to disassemble the clippers and clean them thoroughly before autoclaving to ensure all parts are effectively sterilized.

Metal Clips and Sectioning Clamps

Metal clips and sectioning clamps used in hair styling can also be sterilized in an autoclave. These tools often come into contact with multiple clients, making their sterilization essential.

Razors and Blade Holders

Razors and blade holders are used for precise hair cutting and shaving. Given their close contact with skin, it's vital to sterilize these tools in an autoclave to prevent cross-contamination.

Tweezers and Extractors

Although more commonly associated with skincare, tweezers and extractors are sometimes used in hairdressing. These metal tools can also be autoclaved to maintain hygiene standards.

Tools Not Suitable for Autoclaving

Plastic Combs and Brushes

Plastic combs and brushes cannot be autoclaved as the high heat and pressure can melt or warp them. Instead, these should be disinfected using appropriate chemical solutions.

Hair Dryers and Electrical Tools

Electrical tools like hair dryers, curling irons, and straighteners cannot be autoclaved due to their electronic components. These tools should be cleaned and disinfected using methods suitable for electronics.

Wooden Tools

Wooden handles or tools are not suitable for autoclaving as the high heat and moisture can cause the wood to crack or warp. These tools should be cleaned and disinfected with chemicals.

Best Practices for Sterilizing Hairdressing Tools


Before placing tools in an autoclave, they should be thoroughly cleaned to remove any hair, residue, or debris. This ensures the sterilization process is effective.

Using Sterilization Pouches

Tools should be placed in sterilization pouches before being autoclaved. These pouches are designed to allow steam penetration while keeping the tools sterile after the process is complete.

Regular Maintenance of the Autoclave

Regular maintenance of the autoclave is essential to ensure it operates correctly. This includes cleaning the chamber, checking seals, and calibrating the machine.

Documentation and Monitoring

Keeping records of the sterilization cycles and monitoring the autoclave’s performance can help in maintaining a consistent sterilization process. This documentation can also be useful for health inspections.

Benefits of Using an Autoclave in Hairdressing

Ensures Complete Sterilization

Using an autoclave ensures that all tools are completely sterilized, reducing the risk of infection and ensuring client safety.

Builds Client Trust

Clients are more likely to trust a salon that takes their health and safety seriously. Using an autoclave to sterilize tools can help build and maintain this trust.

Complies with Health Regulations

Many health regulations require salons to use proper sterilization methods. Using an autoclave helps salons comply with these regulations, avoiding potential fines and penalties.



Understanding what hairdressing tools can you put in an autoclave is essential for maintaining high hygiene standards in your salon. Metal combs, brushes, scissors, shears, clippers, blades, metal clips, razors, and tweezers are all suitable for autoclaving. Ensuring these tools are sterilized helps prevent the spread of infections, enhances your salon's reputation, and complies with health regulations. By following best practices for tool sterilization, you can provide a safe and hygienic environment for both your clients and staff.

Regularly sterilizing your hairdressing tools in an autoclave is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a commitment to the well-being of your clients and the professionalism of your salon. So, the next time you think about what hairdressing tools can you put in an autoclave, remember that it's about ensuring safety and building trust with every client who walks through your door.

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