What Hairdressing Tools Can You Put in an Autoclave?

What Hairdressing Tools Can You Put in an Autoclave?

2024-07-22 09:50:49

Maintaining hygiene in a hair salon is of utmost importance to ensure the safety and health of both clients and staff. One of the key practices in achieving this is the proper sterilization of hairdressing tools. An autoclave, a device that uses steam under pressure to kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, is an essential tool in this process. In this blog post, we will explore what hairdressing tools can you put in an autoclave and how to properly sterilize them.

Understanding Autoclaves

What is an Autoclave?

An autoclave is a machine that uses high-pressure steam to sterilize equipment and supplies. This method of sterilization is highly effective and widely used in medical and dental practices, as well as in beauty and hair salons. The high temperatures and pressure inside the autoclave ensure that all microorganisms are killed, making tools safe for use on multiple clients.

How Does an Autoclave Work?

The autoclaving process involves placing instruments inside the autoclave chamber, sealing the door, and then initiating a cycle that includes heating, pressurizing, and sustaining a high-temperature environment. The typical temperature used in an autoclave is around 121 degrees Celsius (250 degrees Fahrenheit), with a pressure of 15 psi. The duration of the cycle can vary but usually lasts between 15 to 30 minutes.

Hairdressing Tools Suitable for Autoclaving

Combs and Brushes

When considering what hairdressing tools can you put in an autoclave, combs and brushes often come to mind. However, it is essential to choose those made of materials that can withstand high temperatures and pressure.

- Metal Combs: These are perfect candidates for autoclaving as they can endure the heat and pressure without deforming.

- Heat-resistant Plastic Combs: Some plastic combs designed to withstand high temperatures can also be autoclaved.

Scissors and Shears

Scissors and shears are critical tools in any hair salon and need to be sterilized regularly.

- Stainless Steel Scissors: These are ideal for autoclaving. Stainless steel can endure the high temperatures and pressure without corroding.

- Titanium-coated Shears: These can also be safely autoclaved as they are designed to be robust and resistant to damage.

Clipper Blades

Clipper blades come into direct contact with clients' hair and skin, making their sterilization crucial.

- Detachable Metal Blades: These can be autoclaved, provided they are thoroughly cleaned of any hair and debris beforehand.

Tweezers and Needles

Although less common in hairdressing, tweezers and needles used for specific treatments should also be autoclaved.

- Stainless Steel Tweezers: These are perfect for autoclaving.

- Single-use Needles: If reusable needles are used, they must be autoclaved to ensure complete sterilization.

Tools That Cannot Be Autoclaved

Plastic Items

While some heat-resistant plastic combs can be autoclaved, most plastic items cannot withstand the high temperatures and pressure.

- Standard Plastic Combs and Brushes: These can warp or melt in the autoclave.

Electrical Components

Any tool with electrical components should never be placed in an autoclave.

- Hair Dryers: These cannot be autoclaved and should be cleaned using other methods.

- Electric Clippers: The blades can be autoclaved if detachable, but the main unit should not.

Wooden Tools

Wooden tools cannot withstand the conditions inside an autoclave.

- Wooden Combs and Brushes: These should be cleaned using alternative sterilization methods.

Proper Sterilization Process

Pre-Cleaning Tools

Before placing any tools in the autoclave, they must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any visible dirt, hair, or debris. This step is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of the sterilization process.

Loading the Autoclave

Proper loading of the autoclave is essential to ensure that all tools are adequately sterilized.

- Spacing Tools Properly: Tools should be spaced out to allow steam to circulate around them.

- Using Sterilization Pouches: Placing tools in sterilization pouches can help maintain their sterility after the autoclaving process.

Running the Autoclave

Following the manufacturer's instructions is vital to ensure the autoclave operates correctly.

- Choosing the Right Cycle: Different tools may require different cycles. Ensure you select the appropriate cycle for the tools you are sterilizing.

- Monitoring the Process: Regularly check the autoclave's indicators to ensure it is functioning correctly.


After the autoclave cycle is complete, it is essential to handle the sterilized tools correctly.

- Cooling Down: Allow tools to cool down inside the autoclave before removing them.

- Storing Tools: Store sterilized tools in a clean, dry place to maintain their sterility until they are needed.

Benefits of Using an Autoclave

Ensuring Client Safety

Using an autoclave to sterilize hairdressing tools ensures that all bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens are eliminated, protecting clients from potential infections.

Compliance with Health Regulations

Many health and safety regulations require the use of an autoclave for sterilizing tools in salons. Using an autoclave helps ensure compliance with these regulations.


Maintaining high hygiene standards enhances the professional reputation of a salon. Clients are more likely to trust and return to a salon that prioritizes their health and safety.



Understanding what hairdressing tools can you put in an autoclave is crucial for maintaining a safe and hygienic salon environment. Metal combs, stainless steel scissors, clipper blades, and other heat-resistant tools can all be effectively sterilized in an autoclave. By following proper sterilization procedures, hair salons can ensure the safety of their clients and comply with health regulations. Investing in an autoclave is a wise decision for any salon committed to maintaining the highest standards of hygiene and professionalism.

Remember, the key to effective sterilization is not just knowing what hairdressing tools can you put in an autoclave, but also understanding how to use the autoclave correctly and consistently. This commitment to cleanliness will not only protect your clients but also enhance the reputation of your salon as a safe and trustworthy establishment.

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