Closure Lace Wig

Closure Lace Wig


Kissbeauty Wigs Indian Virgin Human Hair Wigs,Brazilian Peruvian Body Wave 4x4 Cuticle Aligned 3 Part Lace Closure Wig

A classic four-part lace closure with kinky curly texture The body wave pattern gives the wig a natural bounce and flowing look. We have selected high-quality hair that is soft in texture and has a natural sheen.

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Wholesale Cambodian Raw Hair Wig Vendor, bone straight wig 150% 180% Density 5x5 HDLace Closure Human Hair Wigs For Black Women

Wholesale Cambodian Raw Curly Hair Wig Vendor, 150%–180% Density 5x5 Transparent Lace Closure Human Hair Wigs For Black Women The product is great; it is everything I expected it to be.

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